Tuesday, June 05, 2007

business idea: experimental marketing (wrestling concept )

The following is an edited MSN chat thread I had with a friend that turned into a brainstorming session.

Rhody Belo says:
we can start by doing fake hype and pinup work...a bit of advertising
Sydney says:
lamp post stuff
Sydney says:
Yah, for now it's gotta be a fun thing and not so much for the money
jobs like this aren't going to make us rich
Rhody Belo says:
legal graphitti
Rhody Belo says:
maybe I'll go under an Alias as Suplex
Sydney says:
Rhody Belo says:
Morphic Suplex
Sydney says:
I'll be atomic drop
Rhody Belo says:
Superplex and AtomicDrop
tagteam Morphic
Sydney says:
The pile driver. He's missing a luchador
Rhody Belo says:
before Bustamante sees this opportunity
Sydney says:
ok crap yah he'd be on it like fly on shit
Rhody Belo says:
pile of shit driver
Sydney says:
hahaha, we should call the luchador, Bustamante in honor of him, Bukakkemante. Nah, I'm not worried, our portfolio is superior, unless he does it for far less pesos.
Sydney says:
We need a Hado Ge too, Hado Ge vs. Bustamante. Hahaha, I think we have a better story already just between us...
Rhody Belo says:
yeah....I think so too
Sydney says:
the thing that I notice that is missing in the Bauer script is that the characters have no character, they aren't the colorful personalities that we see in Hado Ge or any other wwf wrestler. That is what I feel will sell the comic. The dynamic actions and the over the top characters.Hard guy organization. The wrestling moves have to be way way overly exaggerated. The action can't just be text book stuff, gotta have alot of original signature moves.
Rhody Belo says:
a wrestling gimp. Lots of speed lines and vainy muscle tone and broken bones
Sydney says:
I think if this comic does do well,that writer is going to need us in a big way. I don't think he has the vision for the characters
Rhody Belo says:
then we can charge him or branch off, introduce our own characters
Sydney says:
we could just do our own now, drop him now and self publish our own, do our own luche libre
Rhody Belo says:
we'll do a better job for the fans
Sydney says:
We should do a police lineup of characters first, make a poster for lamp posts, make it all campy. An event poster that doubles as a comic bookcover, like this one, http://homepage.mac.com/viktor2/btw/threeheels.jpg. We don't even need to have art on the poster, just a cheezy event announcement for a wrestling match and you'd get attention. Maybe make a url link on the poster to our website where the comic is. Question is, is there enough of a market just in TO to make private publishing profitable.
Rhody Belo says:
hahaha...kool, good idea...I like...even cheezy shirts like this. oh yeah...make it sound like real underground matches...like a fight club. Now we have a gimmic
Sydney says:
I think alot of people would get disappointed it isn't a real fight club
Rhody Belo says:
true atleast we get exposure, lets find a real fight club we can represent, they need to read the comic to find out where it is.
Sydney says:
it can definitely lead to that, branch out of comix eventually into real fight promotion, maybe we can make a proposal to the WWF to do some promo for them...
I think this wrestling idea, if it takes off could end up creating a label for us, HARD GUY COMIX
Sydney says:
How about this, we try this bauer dude and formulate a style and if we are satisfied with it we can do our own
Rhody Belo says:
thats right this should be a testing grounds to see what can work

Sydney says:
I think we can't alienate traditional wrestling too much, it still must have the spirit of wwf wrestling or else it just ain't wrestling. We're trying to appeal to the hard core wrestling fans out there, but with a new interesting twist. To do straight wwf wrestling is just too boring.
Rhody Belo says:
I like the fact that maybe we can use the midget chars as the main char.. We can almost do the afro samurai kinda story using wrestling
Sydney says:
urban guerrilla pop
Sydney says:
I was thinking instead of a mutant wrestler... Have one big wrestler piggybacked by 6 midgets. Both opponents would have 6 midgets that hang on to a specially designed sling worn by the big carrier wrestler. The carriers would jump in the ring and the midgets would do tag teams on each other. They can link to each other and do chain style attacks. The signature move will be the 'meat whip' or the 'multiplex'.
Rhody Belo says:
the midgets are like armour in a way
Sydney says:
I was also thinking of a big traditional wrestler type. I was going to call him Texas Burger Boy. He'd walking into the ring eating those one pound burgers
Rhody Belo says:
he can look like a lucha dor with a Cowboy hat and always eating burgers even when hes fighting when he looses his burgers he loose his strength but the fan throws food he regains strength like popeye especially burgers. Its greatest fan is a hamburger mascot like ronald mcdonald or the king of burger king or a parody of grimmis
Sydney says:
mini nachos, I wonder if he could represent Burger King or McDs, endorsement. He'd have a cape with the logo on it
Rhody Belo says:
maybe Burger king seems more edgey right now
Sydney says:
He'd look like fat southern white trash, kinda like Hacksaw Jim Duggan but much fatter
Rhody Belo says:
give him a mullet with a mask
Sydney says:
I was thinking of a wrestler with a goalie mask on, kinda like that guy from Mad Max or Casey Jones from TMNT

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